Duan Wu – Around the World

慷慨激昂的击鼓声和美味诱人的粽子使端午节 (农历五月初五) 成为广受欢迎的新加坡节日之一。
龙舟节期间,糯米粽子是最受人们喜爱的一款民间美食,清香的班兰叶包裹着丰富多样的馅料,做成了一个个三角形的粽子。“bak zhang” 以猪肉、荸荠和蘑菇为馅料,是粽子中很受欢迎的一种。而另一种娘惹(土生华人)粽子则以焖猪肉、五香粉和糖渍冬瓜为馅料。“Kee zhang'” 除糯米外不添加别的馅料,常常被当做甜点,沾以白糖或椰糖(gula melaka,马来族称为棕榈糖)糖浆食用。

世界各地的龙舟队从各处赶来,参加一年一度的新加坡龙舟赛盛会。每支龙舟队由 22 名运动健将组成,在这场激烈的比赛中,您将亲眼目睹选手们手握划桨,劈波斩浪,相竞争先的精彩场面。
周末,可以在这里观赏到各家龙舟俱乐部奋勇训练的场景。您也可以亲身参与这项运动,尝尝奋力划桨的滋味 — 没 什么比亲自体验一把的感觉更棒了!
DBS 滨海赛艇会

South Korea – Gangneung Danoje

Unlike the Chinese Duan Wu Festival where the tradition of dumpling eating, dragon boat racing and commemorating Qu Yuan happens on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month, South Korea’s Danoje happens in May after the sowing season has ended. Sacrificial ceremonies, which can last from 20 days to 1 month, are held to pay homage to the mountain and earth deities to pray for peace, prosperity and good harvest.
韩国现在唯一完整保留端午习俗的是韩国江陵地区。江陵市在端午时节特有的巫俗祭祀活动 - 江陵端午祭,是韩国最著名文化庆典之一,且在2005年11月25日被世界教科文组织指定为人类口头和无形遗产。
Currently, only the Gangneung region has preserved the tradition of celebrating Danoje. The Gangneung Danoje has become one of the most famous cultural celebrations in Korea and has been designated as part of South Korea's Masterpieces of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO on November 25, 2005.
Gangneung Danoje has its origins rooted in mythology, which has as many as 12 deities like Kim Yushin, Daegwanryeong Guksa Seonghwang and so on. The celebration includes a plethora of events such as sacrificial ceremonies, wrestling, playing on swings, tug-of-war, archery, as well as folk performances, traditional mask dances, fireworks and lantern displays.
Preserving the elaborate and complex sacrificial ceremonies in their entirety is the core of the Gangneung Danoje. Danoje begins with prayers for 5 days and nights to the deities, followed by another 20 days or so of ceremonies and rituals before the deities are sent off in a farewell ceremony. If we were to include the brewing of a sacred liquor right before the start of the Danoje, this would extend the entire festival to about 1 month. Every year on the fifth day of the fourth lunar month, people will use rice and yeast to brew the sacred liquor to offer to the deities and for drinking, signifying the start of the Festival. The first Festival rites then take place on the fifteenth day of the fourth lunar month whereby people tie ceremonial red green sashes on a divine log and march in a parade to pay homage to the Daegwallyeong Mountain God's Shrine and State Preceptor's Goddess Shrine. On the evening of the third day of the fifth lunar month, the deities are escorted to the ceremonial grounds at Namdaecheon. From the fourth day to the seventh day of the fifth lunar month, ceremonies are also conducted every morning to honour the deities.
Gangneung Danoje combines both Confucian and Shamanism ceremonies. The Confucian ceremonies focuses on reading of blessings for the people, and asking for health and stability, curing of sicknesses and good harvest for crops and livestock. Following that, the Shamanism elements are reflected through the song and dance performances that go on till late night.
During Danoje, it is common for every household to prepare fragrant rice cakes made with mugwort and glutinous rice as offerings to their ancestors, as well as use sweet flag-infused water for washing hair while ladies use it in their makeup. Scholars put up cinnabar symbols to ward off evil, while the nobility exchange Dano fans as gifts.


在日本,端午节被视为男性的节日。通常在室外挂鲤鱼旗,室内摆设武士人偶。鲤鱼旗由七色彩旗和红黑两色的“真鲤”“绯鲤”组成,红色代表母亲、黑色代表父亲、青蓝色代表男孩,青蓝旗的个数代表男孩人数。旗子会在蔚蓝的天空里迎风飘动,表示鲤鱼跳龙门之意。日本端午节重视菖蒲,有菖蒲酒、菖蒲浴、菖蒲枕,以菖蒲作为驱除恶魔的节物,称为“五月饰”。菖蒲在日本不单有辟邪的作用,其剑状的外形令人联想到斩妖除魔,加上其在日语中的读音与“尚武”、“胜负”相同,更是勇武的象征。粽子与槲叶糕是日本端午节节日食品,关西地区多吃粽子,而槲叶糕则多见于关东地 区。粽子在日本古代称为“茅卷”,最初用茅叶包裹,呈圆锥形,后来又出现以菖蒲叶、竹叶、芦苇叶等包裹的粽子。之所以吃槲叶糕,是因为槲树叶在长出嫩叶前,老叶子不会凋落,也就蕴含了子孙繁荣的美好寓意。日本也在端午这天采药,称为“药狩”。
Duan Wu Festival Around the World
Duan Wu Festival is celebrated in varied ways around the world, as this traditional festival evolves under different historical and cultural elements. Let us take a look at the different ways Duan Wu Festival is celebrated around the world!
1. 中国 China
Duan Wu Festival is a traditional customary celebration in China, with eating Zongzi and Dragon Boat racing as two of its most iconic elements. Eating Zongzi is one of the most popular customs in China, and has greatly influenced the culinary culture of many regions. The traditional performances and activities carried out during Duan Wu Festival not only enrich the people spiritually, but also serve to pass on and promote Chinese traditional culture.

2. 泰国 Thailand
Duan Wu Festival is also observed in some parts of Thailand. Known as ‘Ba Zhang Jie’, the Thai Chinese will prepare grand feasts to worship their ancestors, and also go to the temples to pray for safety and good fortune for their families. They too have the custom of eating Zongzi during Duan Wu Festival, and some schools will even organize traditional cultural activities.

3. 马来西亚 Malaysia
During Duan Wu Festival, many clan associations in Malaysia will send their representatives to form teams and compete in Dragon Boat races. Although Duan Wu Festival does not count as a major celebration in Malaysia, people still eat Zongzi on that day, which is a favorite with locals. The Zongzi in Malaysia are bigger in size, and come with different fillings like sweet bean paste, shredded coconut Etc, apart from the usual ones filled with meat or ham.