Children and Youth Online Art Contest
比赛主题 Artwork Theme
为响应2030年新加坡绿色发展蓝图,此次绘画比赛以“绿色家园,我的愿景”为主题。以保护和扩展自然资源为目标,让参赛者展示新加坡自然之美,以及他们对一个绿色家园的愿景 !
In response to the Singapore Green Plan 2030, the theme for this year’s art contest, "Green Home, My Vision" is adopted with the goal of protecting and expanding natural resources. Participants are encouraged to showcase the beauty of Singapore's nature and their vision towards a Green Home!
参赛日期 Contest Period
24.04.2024(星期三 Wednesday) - 16.05.2024(星期四 Thursdays)
Strictly no late entries will be accepted.
参赛组别 Categories
投票期限 Online Voting Period
17.05.2024,00:00(SGT) - 26.05.2024, 23:59(SGT)
官方投票网站/ Official Voting Website:
Please click the following links for the online voting:
学前组 Preschool Category:https://u148686.a.stonevote.net/poll/310b1d5e-e0d6-ec84-035e-2e4f92ab753a.html
儿童组A Children Category A:https://u148686.a.stonevote.net/poll/994c9d0e-6f57-6c6c-88f5-c1041c7a4fa6.html
儿童组B Children Category B:https://u148686.a.stonevote.net/poll/95028f32-3f23-3c12-3466-fef55f07662f.html
青少年组 Adolescent Category:https://u148686.a.stonevote.net/poll/740f2476-1068-2456-29fd-1837ebd1f777.html
成绩揭晓 Announcement of Results
29.05.2023 (星期三 Wednesday)
颁奖典礼 Award Ceremony
02.06.2024 (星期天 Sunday)
比赛规则 Rules & Regulations
1. 参赛作品必须是参赛者独立完成的,家长不可代笔。
Submission must be original artworks created by participants; parents are not allowed to draw on their behalf.
2. 作品种类可为儿童涂鸦(只限定学前组和儿童组),蜡笔画、水彩画、素描、油画或水墨画。
The artwork can be Kids’ Doodle (applicable to Preschool and Children Category only), Crayon Drawing, Water Colour, Sketching, Oil Painting or Chinese Painting.
3. 画纸尺寸不小于A4纸张大小。
The artwork should not be smaller than A4 size.
奖项设置 Award & Prizes
评选规则 Scoring Rubrics
1. 网络投票,占总成绩的30%
Online votes, accounting for 30% of the total score
2. 评委投票,占总成绩的70%
Judges’ votes, accounting for 70% of the total score
如有任何疑问,请联系宗乡总会秘书处66436479 或电邮至sya_events@sfcca.sg。
For any enquiries, please contact SFCCA Secretariat at 66436479 or email sya_events@sfcca.sg.